10 Compliance Signs Your Business Needs & Where to Put Them

Safety and compliance signs in your workplace are essential, no matter how “harmless” your business may be. It acts as a visual instruction from a safety standpoint, lessens the likelihood of accidents, reduces your liability in the event of the same, and creates a safer environment for your employees and customers alike. The list of compliance signs and flags are endless, but here are at least 10 that your business will need. 

Prohibition Signs

As the name indicates, Prohibition Signs inform people what they cannot do. These are universally recognized as they display a bold, red circle with a line running through it. The placement of these signs primarily depends on the activity that is being prohibited. 

For instance, if you own a restaurant and wish to prohibit people from entering the kitchen, you can set up the DO NOT ENTER” signs at the entryway. Similarly, if you have flammable items in your store, you can install the “NO SMOKING” or “DO NOT SMOKE” sign.

Mandatory Signs

Mandatory signs instruct people on what should be done. These are typically placed at workplaces that require protective clothing or equipment. For instance, you may have seen how construction sites have mandatory signs for wearing a helmet. You may have also seen signs for hearing and eye protection.

Danger Signs

Danger signs are used to warn onlookers of any life-threatening or hazardous conditions. Much like the prohibition signs, these are also easily recognizable as they sport a red oval with the words “DANGER” in white, inside a black rectangle. 

The message below alerts the people of the threat. Depending on the situation, Danger Signs may be placed anywhere around your business’s premises. You could install them at the entrance of your electrical or mechanical room, or even use magnetic signs for an easier set-up.

Caution Signs

Not all hazards or hazardous situations are life-threatening, and here’s where Caution Signs come in. These inform people of threats or conditions that could hurt or harm them. For instance, they could trip over something, slip on the wet floor, or bump their head against a low ceiling. Caution signs and flags are also used when repair and maintenance activities are being carried out in the vicinity.

 Warning Signs

Warning signs are a mix of Mandatory and Caution Signs. These amber signs inform the reader of any potential danger and then share instructions on how they can protect themselves. It can warn that a biohazard storage area lies ahead and they should not touch anything. 

Warning signs are also used around equipment to inform the reader on the best practices for use or to indicate tolerances. As an example, elevators have warning signs on the maximum load capacity.

Safety and Emergency Assistance Signs

Safety instruction signs contain white text printed against a green background. These are purely informational in nature, but relate to safety as they can help people locate or find directions to any safety-related facilities. 

For example, the first aid kit, an automated external defibrillator, fire extinguisher, emergency phone, etc. You may be very familiar with the emergency exit signs that can notify people of the quick evacuation of business premises.

Notice Signs

Notice signs are blue signs that bear white text that convey information that is not related to safety or when there is no hazard present. For instance, a “NO SMOKING” sign could be in the Danger Sign format if smoking is discouraged around flammable substances. However, if the purpose of the sign is primarily to promote the health and safety of the staff, then it would be set up as a notice sign. 

These are also placed around utilities, such as electrical panels, fiber optic cables, etc. so that any repair and maintenance personnel does not interfere with its operations.

Traffic Regulation and Parking Signs

If your business sees an influx of vehicles, then the traffic regulation and parking signs can help you manage them better. These inform drivers where they should and should not park their vehicles, and can even direct them towards the closest facilities. You can even use these signs to set aside dedicated parking spots for emergency vehicles, delivery vans, employees, etc.

Accessible Signs

Accessibility signs are a great way to inform everyone that your business is inclusive and prepared to accommodate the requirements of those with special needs. These signs are often blue. 

You could have accessible signs relating to assistance, disability-friendly entry/exit points, dynamic accessibility, service animals, and more. Apart from your typical accessible signs with messaging, you can also have the same printed in braille to aid the visually impaired.

Surveillance Camera Signs

Surveillance camera signs offer a highly visible warning to trespassers, shoplifters, and any other criminals about the presence of surveillance cameras on your business premises. Therefore, it acts as a deterrent because it discourages any criminal activity. It is best to place these signs in areas where your cameras are not clearly visible.


No matter what products and services you offer, having proper safety signs is essential and beneficial to your business. Without them, many harmful accidents can occur when they could have been avoided by installing compliance signs throughout your facilities. It helps instill the feeling of trust and safety amongst your employees and customers. 

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