Social Distancing after Lockdown – How Far Will It Go? Repercussions & Effective Solutions

Presently, we are at the crossroads of lockdown and maintaining the utmost hygiene and safety levels to secure our lives for the time to come. Heard since childhood “Survival of the Fittest” somehow now strikes our minds each passing day as the scenarios being faced by us on every new day are similar to much extent. By now, we all are practicing social distancing and adhering to all its related norms to save this important life. But this practice of distancing ourselves from others doesn’t imply to be short-lived because as per the present situation that we are experiencing right now, it is hard to predict its future course. In fact, as per the Harvard disease experts, some form of intermittent social distancing may need to adhere until 2022.

Well, that seems to be a condition that could stun all of us! However, the world is at an extremely crucial economic curve, rather at a stage with crashed economies, and therefore, the governments of the respective countries are thinking to at least re-open the manufacturing and other essential units. Forward plans are likely to lift lockdown strategically in a way to bring life to a normalized stage through various vital procedures and guidelines yet mission would always be up to thwart the pandemic Coronavirus:

  1. Georgia will be the first state to re-open its some businesses in the coming days followed by South Carolina, Ohio, Minnesota, and few others. Though the majority of states will not be exempted from lockdown as it will be too soon for them to be re-opened as per the cases and health parameters recorded by far.
  2. Some of the stores are allowed to re-open but with reduced capacity followed by gyms, barber services, restaurants. Bars will be remained shut for some more time to come.
  3. Though the decision has been announced to re-open public services in some states this swift reopening calls for the counter to the assistance of many experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top specialist on infectious diseases, has warned too on resuming business too soon because this could bring a fresh spike to contaminated cases, if social distancing and preventive measures are not practiced lawfully.
  4. Adhering to social distancing norms at public places: The reduced capacity of people would be allowed to enter stores, restaurants, theatres, and other areas. Especially, as per the experts, air flights need to adhere to the gap between the seats i.e., middle seat to be remained vacant and rest two seats on the sides can be designated to the passengers.
  5. The self-quarantine practice is suggested to be followed by individuals from time-to-time.

Social Distancing is the New Normal Globally

Even after getting free from some of the lockdown restrictions, we as the citizens of the US, need to adhere to the preventive measures and safety guidelines whole-heartedly and full sincerity otherwise, an unimaginable strain could take a toll on our nation, economic structure, and other preeminent sectors. Maintaining adequate distance at the office among co-workers, reduced visits to the restaurants or other public places where the scope of the crowd could be higher, self-care and hygiene needs to be practiced by consuming own food or home-made food, and so on…Why did we mention all this? As it is said – Social Distancing is the new Norm!

Corporate firms, shopping stores, restaurants, and other shops require to display safety banners, preventive signs, and other street pole signs that simply imply the message of Practicing Social Distancing, Wash Your Hands Regularly, Maintain Hygiene, and many more are available. BestofSigns offers you an extensive assortment of display signs, yard signssafety banners & signs to aware and informs your customers, clients, visitors, and everyone around to maintain precautions to fight this battle even when life gets back to normal. None of our ways or acts should give re-birth to this deadly infection.

Adhering WHO Guidelines to combat COVID-19 contamination

As per the WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced criteria that should be followed before countries consider lifting restrictions from lockdown in their respective areas or states. This further tells to be ensured enough on the transmission of the disease is at a controlled stage, and that the medical and health systems hold the capacity to spot, test, isolate, and treat every contaminated or positive case of COVID-19 and trace their entire history of every point of contact. This is vital to detect and go through the history of the positive individuals i.e., to find out the individuals he/she came in contact with or met while being Coronavirus positive. Because this is one of the effective and fastest ways to detect the infected or positive cases from one infected person. If this and other regulations are adhered to by officials and citizens too, then we could combat this unimaginable rising strain.

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