World Population Day 2020- Establishment, Significance, and Theme of 2020

What is the world population day?

Observed on July 11 and celebrated as an annual event, World Population Day was established by the UN in 1989. It was done to spread awareness around various population issues across the globe.

How and why did the world population day get established?

In 1987, when the world population hit the five billion mark, numerous people across the globe got interested in the event. The public interest led to the establishment of the World Population Day by the United Nations. The goal behind it was to provide population-related information to people at a global level. Plus, increasing people’s awareness on several global issues related to population, which include:

  1. Family planning
  2. Poverty
  3. Gender equality
  4. Health
  5. Hygiene
  6. Population ecology
  7. World energy resources & its consumption
  8. Human rights
  9. To much more…… 

With increasing numbers of people across the globe, the world is already at the threat of overpopulation. So, it is immensely crucial to raise awareness about the effects of the population. The increase in the number of people also has a direct impact on the environment and development of countries, cities, and towns across the world. Not just that! Maternity issues, child health problems, malnutrition, and child negligence are some of the associated subjects that are only growing with the increasing population. And through this event, the entire world can learn, teach, spread awareness, and encourage the importance of birth control measures. 

What is the theme for world population day 2020?

The world population day 2020 theme is- ‘Safeguarding the health and rights of women and girls around the world’. Women’s rights are one of the most debated subjects that have been there since ever. In the past, this subject was not given as much significance but events like the world population day act as a reminder to talk about such crucial subjects. There will be no better time to encourage the health and rights of women and girls around the world than now, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on a UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) research, the lockdown has resulted in a major disruption to health services in low/middle-income countries. This also means that more people have limited access to modern contraceptives. Hence, leading to a lot of pregnancies and a substantial rise in the population percentage across the globe. So, it becomes imperative to make people aware of this. Another important aspect related to women’s safety is the rise in domestic violence against females during the lockdown. It is crucial to throw light on this subject and help the ones who are suffering from domestic violence or at risk of it every day. It is also of great importance to spread the information about any local authorities and helpline numbers in every city, state or town- big or small. This can even be done at an individual level if more people take advantage of the social media platforms to generate relevant content on this subject. Or just share the local helpline numbers of domestic help organizations in their city, community, or state. Genital mutilation and child marriages are the other two subjects that need to be spoken about and highlighted at a global level. 2020’s theme is all encouraging, speaking, and highlighting all that can safeguard the health and rights of women and girls around the world. 

How to celebrate world population day 2020?

Small or big, public or private- whatever your business or workplace is about; you can celebrate this day by bringing attention to various aspects of population risks. Do your bit to empower your neighborhood, workplace, business space, customers, visitors, and everybody else by spreading information about one or more topics listed below:

  • Spread information about understanding the responsibilities associated with childbirth.
  • Educate your consumers or people, in general, to avoid unwanted pregnancies by using birth control methods.
  • Advertise more about removing gender stereotypes from society.
  • Bring attention to early pregnancy-related illnesses and the dangers of early childbirth.
  • If you are into a medical business like pharmacy, create campaigns, use signages, or install banners that educate others about sexually transmitted diseases and ways to avoid it. 
  • Promote gender equality by emphasizing the need for education to both girls and boys.
  • If you know of any free health camps or health service groups that offer free services – advertise about them so that more locals have access to free primary health services.
  • Encourage everyone to raise their voice against domestic violence. 
  • Spread the word about health service disruptions as a result of COVID-19.

Regardless of how big or small the effort, combined together, it will have a bigger impact on the community. So, take advantage of World Population Day 2020 to talk about various aspects and effects of the increasing world population. And the best way to do it is by advertising. Doesn’t matter if you choose digital advertising or print advertising, what matters most is that you choose to speak about it at your business space, workplace, or individual level in an impactful way.

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